Quanturi compost system

  • Visualize and analyze the composting phases of biowaste using real-time data.

  • Issue traceable data reports in compliance with national quality assurance requirements.

  • Improve worker safety by limiting contact with potentially toxic elements.

Comply with national standards

Improve work safety

Optimize composting processes

Quanturi’s ground breaking compost monitoring system

Temperature monitoring of the entire compost platform 

Visualize under one single interface the entire composting platform. Compare the temperature distribution over different windrows and biowastes. Insure that the temperature is sufficient to reach the fermentation phases.

Traceable temperature history for optimized composting 

Visualize the different phases of composting: fermentation, decomposition and maturation. Act on time if a windrow needs aeration and turning for optimal activity. Achieve rapid composting for faster sales and increased turnover.

Management of the composting phases

Define dedicated processes for specific biowastes. Manage all requirements for each windrow under one interface. Follow the progress of the composting phases compared to the defined goals. Act on time if actions are needed. Avoid the occurrence of rotting in case of too low temperature. Avoid auto-combustion fire during maturation phase.

Compliance with national compost guidelines 

Insure that pathogens and weed seeds are destroyed from temperature control. Provide traceable data reports for each windrow. Comply with national quality insurance standards.
Quanturi probes

Quanturi temperature probes are wireless, extremely robust, solid and durable; hence allowing tracking of temperatures in compost windrows in real-time and continuously.

The durable yellow probes are easy to spot, and they are suitable for both open windrows and in-vessel operations. They are available in two lengths, 100cm and 200cm in accordance with temperature monitoring requirements. 

Quanturi compost system key features :

  • Real time and continuous temperature monitoring
  • Durable and well visible yellow wireless probes
  • Increased traceability towards a HACCP approach
  • Compatibility with all installation configurations: composting/digestate platforms management
  • Remote monitoring of several composting platforms
  • Compliance with hygienisation phases of compost (torque t°/time as for example 55 °C/72h or 70 °C/1hr 65 °C/ 7d or 55 °C/ 14d according to the biomass)
  • Compliance with the Rottegrad test during maturation (stabilization of t°<40 °C)
  • Prevention of fire risk caused by self-heating
  • Prevention of work accidents by minimizing involvement in compost heaps.

Reference: Stormossen Finland

Reference: Agrival, Amiens - France

Quanturi compost system key features :

  • Real time and continuous temperature monitoring
  • Durable and well visible yellow wireless probes
  • Increased traceability towards a HACCP approach
  • Compatibility with all installation configurations: composting/digestate platforms management
  • Remote monitoring of several composting platforms
  • Compliance with hygienisation phases of compost (torque t°/time as for example 55 °C/72h or 70 °C/1hr 65 °C/ 7d or 55 °C/ 14d according to the biomass)Compliance with the Rottegrad test during maturation (stabilization of t°<40 °C)Prevention of fire risk caused by self-heating
  • Prevention of work accidents by minimizing involvement in compost heaps.

Reference: Stormossen Finland

Contact information

+358 40 587 6976  

Töölöntorinkatu 2 B | FI-00260 | Helsinki | Finland

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