In the following, we would like to publish the test report from agrarheute.

Just keep reading to find out how the test with HAYTECH sensor probes went!

Thomas Göggerle  29. April 2022

Fire protection | How effective are HAYTECH temperature sensors in preventing spontaneous combustion?

Ballen müssen in den ersten Wochen nach der Ernte täglich überwacht werden. Mit drahtlosen Temperatursensoren geht das sehr einfach.

Bales need to be monitored daily in the first weeks after harvest. This is very easy with wireless temperature sensors.

Ⓒ imago images/Martin Wagner

Climbing over bale stacks to measure their temperature with probes is both laborious and risky. Wireless bale sensors, which transmit their readings to a farm PC or mobile phone, offer a safer and easier solution. Monitoring temperature and preventing spontaneous combustion becomes as effortless as checking the weather on your phone.

Here's how it works: Instead of using a probe to intermittently measure internal temperatures, sensors are embedded in the bales and report the temperature to a base station every hour. This base station, connected to the internet, forwards the data to an online portal, allowing the farm manager to access the readings. If any sensor detects a temperature above the set threshold, the portal sends an SMS alert to a specified mobile phone.

To the point:

  • The wireless bale monitoring extends up to 200 meters and is incredibly easy to set up.

  • Our test bale reached dangerously high temperatures after just 12 hours.

  • The simple protection against spontaneous combustion is available starting from 558 euros per year.

What we liked: The SMS alerts are not only sent to the farm manager but also to additional numbers, such as those of employees. This ensures that if there’s a potential issue, on-site individuals can respond promptly.

For those who might feel overwhelmed by terms like base station, wireless connection, and online portal, there’s reassuring news: the HAYTECH system is extremely user-friendly. The installation process is quick and straightforward, with everything set up and operational within an hour.

To use the HAYTECH sensors, you’ll need:

- An internet connection with a router

- A 230V power supply for the base station

- A 230V power supply for the optional amplifier

Im linken Paket sind die Basisstation und der optionale Verstärker enthalten. Im rechten Karton kamen unsere zehn Ballensensoren.

In the left package, the base station and the optional amplifier are included. In the right box, our ten bale sensors arrived.

Ⓒ Thomas Göggerle

LAN-Kabel in den Router und Netzstecker in die Steckdose – mehr muss man bei der Inbetriebnahme der Basisstation nicht machen.

All you need to do for setting up the base station is to plug the LAN cable into the router and the power plug into the socket.

Ⓒ Thomas Göggerle

Die Sensoren werden in die Ballen gesteckt.

The sensors are inserted into the bales.

Ⓒ Thomas Göggerle

Jeder Sensor ist mit einer eigenen Nummer verknüpft.

Each sensor is linked to its own number.

Ⓒ Thomas Göggerle

Im Onlineportal sind die Ballenstapel dreidimensional abgebildet und die Sensoren markiert.

In the online portal, the bale stacks are depicted in three dimensions, with the sensors marked.

Ⓒ Quanturi

Unser Testballen: Von 47° C stieg die Temperatur innerhalb von 12 Stunden auf gefährliche 66° C. Wir bekamen ab der eingestellten Maximaltemperatur eine Alarm-SMS aufs Handy.

Our test bale: From 47°C, the temperature rose to a dangerous 66°C within 12 hours. We received an alarm SMS on our phone once the set maximum temperature was reached.

Ⓒ Werkbild

Easy setup

Setting up the HAYTECH system is straightforward. First, insert the batteries into the bale sensors and assemble them. Next, connect the base station to a power source and an internet router. Then, install the amplifier in the barn, secure it in place, and plug it into an outlet. Finally, register on the website or application. That’s it! Shortly after completing these steps, our sensors began transmitting their readings.

This is how we conducted the test...

Last season, we tested the HAYTECH system from Quanturi using their smallest package, which includes ten probes. We set up the system, started monitoring hay and straw bales after the harvest, and placed the base station in the stable office, connected to the same router. The barn where the bales were stored was approximately 60 meters away, so we installed an optional amplifier in the hay storage area.

The base station and sensors need to be within 50 meters of each other, and the amplifier should be no more than 200 meters from the base station, allowing for extensive coverage around the farm. However, monitoring distant field storage is not possible without electricity and internet.

In our range tests, the system performed well even when the bales were stored 50 meters from the amplifier and base station, with walls in between. To ensure reliability, the base station sends notifications if there’s no internet connection, which is crucial during power outages or accidental disconnections.

We simulated an emergency with a moist straw bale. In just 12 hours, its temperature rose from 47°C to over 66°C! HAYTECH sent a warning SMS when the temperature exceeded the set threshold, clearly indicating the corresponding probe number, which is easy to locate on the brightly colored probe head.

Sensor readings are displayed on Quanturi’s online portal as either an overview or detailed graphs showing temperature trends. The portal allows for the creation of virtual bale storages and stacks. We also had the opportunity to test the new version of the portal, which provides a 3D view of the bale stacks with their associated sensors. Additionally, sensor data can be exported as CSV or Excel files for documentation.

From our experience, the system is accessible online via PC or mobile phone, allowing for remote temperature monitoring, which is highly convenient.

Quanturi, a young Finnish company, was inspired by the idea of a wireless sensor from a French farmer’s daughter. The technology used for monitoring bales also applies to grain storage, hay drying, and composting facilities, with specialized sensors available for these applications.

How do the sensors pay off your investment?

Quanturi offers a pricing model that combines a one-time purchase with a subscription service for their sensors. For the initial three years, the cost for ten probes is 1,790 euros, and for fifty probes, it’s 4,750 euros. This price includes the base station, amplifier, online access, and SMS alarm notifications.

After the first three years, the subscription fee is 360 euros per year for ten probes and 500 euros per year for fifty probes. The base station is leased rather than purchased, similar to how internet routers are typically rented. Quanturi also provides replacements for any damaged equipment at no extra cost, and there are no additional features available for purchase.

We calculated the average annual cost over five years for fifty probes to be 950 euros per year, or 558 euros per year for ten probes. As an alternative, manual temperature measurement with a handheld probe is possible, though it requires at least daily checks and potentially more frequent monitoring.

Our recommendation: Consult with your fire insurance provider. They might offer subsidies for purchasing the system or reduce your policy premiums.

Our test results

The intuitive online interface ensures you’ll be up and running in no time, even if you’re a beginner. These sensors provide hourly measurements, giving you peace of mind with their reliable performance.

Professional hay dealers use HAYTECH to guarantee the quality of their hay, while farmers use them as a safeguard against spontaneous combustion fires. With sensors priced at 558 euros annually for a set of ten, it's an investment that pays for itself when it prevents a disaster.

HAYTECH sensors not only enhance safety but also encourage diligent monitoring of bale temperatures. Embrace the benefits of increased security and take proactive steps to protect your hay with HAYTECH!


Thomas Göggerle

Redakteur Pflanze + Technik

Contact Quanturi:

Valentina Tanda

+49 179 729 5947