Explore customer stories across Quanturi products

Use case: Crown Linen Service
The adoption of the Quanturi system has significantly reduced the risk of fire-related incidents, ensuring a safer working environment for Crown Linen Service's employees and safeguarding their facilities.
Use case: Heu-Heinrich
Spontaneous self-ignition is an unpredictable consequence, even for experts. Read more about Heinrich Meusel and his experience with HAYTECH!

Use case: Winklerhof
The hay bales often have wet spots, which increase the risk. The manual thermometers are too imprecise.
A large scale HAYTECH System
Durepaire, based in Verdille, Charente, uses the HAYTECH system for continuous temperature monitoring of fodder with 500 sensors.

Get alerts, before it burns!
We would like to share the test report from agrarheute with this post. Keep reading to discover how the test unfolded!

Interview with Max Hartmann from SGL
I have been using the Tango M grain monitoring system since June 2022.

Use case:
Hof Bogenschütz
In the first year alone, we were able to prevent worse consequences due to the spontaneous combustion of a hay bale exceeding 65°C with HAYTECH.

SIVAM and the quality of forage
"With HAYTECH within the Sivam offering, we add even more value to the quality of our products, especially at the beginning and during the summer season" - Product Manager Piergiorgio Matta
An ecological action for our planet as a final gesture
A new ecological method to honor deceased persons was legalized in Washington State, USA in May 2019. This method, better known as natural organic reduction, is an alternative to so-called "classical" funerals such as burial and cremation.
Alfalfa opens to new markets!
For us, experts in the agricultural field, alfalfa is associated with crops and livestock. In the form of a living plant, it can be a source of fertilizer for soils or fodder with high yield. Alfalfa is processed into pellets or into dehydrated or standard bales which are excellent feed for livestock.
SIVAM distributes HAYTECH in Italy
Quanturi is pleased to announce a new collaboration with SIVAM as strong distribution partner for the HAYTECH system in Italy. SIVAM has a long tradition as a provider for animal feed and supplements.

OMP Trade distributes Quanturi's solutions in Austria
We are pleased to announce the new collaboration with OMP Trade GmbH, better known with its product FLEDBAG.

AGRAVIS distributes Quanturi's solutions in Germany
We are pleased to announce the partnership between Quanturi Ltd and AGRAVIS AG from the Raiffeisen Group.

"Talks" Im Gespräch mit unseren Kunden
Interview mit Arne Schwuchow von Agrar Gmbh&Co. KG Wittow Süd
Sie nutzen das Tango M Getreide Überwachungssystem seit Mai 2022.
(With English translation)
La loi anti-gaspillage pour une économie circulaire
La loi relative à la lutte contre le gaspillage et à l'économie circulaire est parue au Journal officiel le 11 février 2020. La loi entend accélérer le changement de modèle de production et de consommation afin de limiter les déchets et préserver les ressources naturelles, la biodiversité et le climat.
PRESSEARTIKEL: Temperaturmessungen auch als Brandschutz
Temperaturmessungen in Rottekörpern dienen grundsätzlich dem Nachweis der Einhaltung der Anforderungen an die Prozessüberwachung. Wenn kritische Temperaturen überschritten werden, können auch Warnmeldungen gesendet werden. Die drahtlose Temperaturmessung dient generell der Reduzierung des Arbeitsaufwands während der Kompostierung.
PRESS ARTICLE: Farmscan distributes HAYTECH in Australia to prevent hay fires
Western Australian farm technology business Farmscan has recently partnered with Quanturi to bring the HAYTECH system to Australia, with interest from fodder growers and contractors wanting to safeguard their valuable bales.
PRODUCT RELEASE: Quanturi add multipoint measurements to its grain monitoring system
Get ready for the coming harvesting season! Quanturi’s new Multipoint grain monitoring system is bringing wider temperature monitoring coverage of grain stores for optimized grain storage management. The new system includes multipoint temperature measurements of grain at every meter inside storages and ambient temperature.
PRODUCT RELEASE: New compost monitoring system
PRODUCT RELEASE: We are thrilled to announce the release of our new system for compost monitoring. Our new product is a simple, yet powerful and robust solution to monitor the temperature of biowaste through all composting phases. Fermentation, sanitation, curing, maturing: all stages can be documented, monitored, analyzed and optimized for better composting results.
COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE : Quanturi crée une filiale française dans le Jura
Quanturi crée une filiale pour répondre au fort développement du suivi de température des matières fermentescibles sur le marché français. Sa nouvelle implantation au cœur du Jura vise à être au plus proche du tissu agricole et à redynamiser le milieu rural.
PRESS RELEASE: Agile alarm application saves money on many fields
Quanturi Oy based in Espoo, Finland started to conquer the world by launching a temperature measuring system to detect temperature increase and self-combustion in hay storages. Now the company’s advanced technological innovation has prevented damage worth a quarter of a million Euros in Blomberg Stevedoring's warehouse in Vaasa.