Interview with Arne Schwuchow from Agrar GmbH & Co. KG Wittow Süd
Dezember 2022
What is the core business of Agrar Gmbh&Co. KG Wittow Süd?
We are a conventional farm in the far north of the island of Rügen. Our core business is the production of high-quality staple foods and animal feed. The main crops cultivated are wheat, feed barley & rape as well as field peas as seed production and malting barley. While our baking wheat is mainly for export, rape and peas stay in the country and are processed here. After the harvest, we store approx. 6000-8000 tonnes of goods in flat stores and then market them throughout the entire marketing year.
Quelle: Agrar GmbH & Co. KG Wittow Süd

What is your experience with the Quanturi temperature monitoring system so far?
After trouble-free installation, the probes started working perfectly. The mode of operation is almost self-explanatory and safe. The online application is intuitive and easy to use and the measurements are reliable.
Are you satisfied with the material (hardware)?
On the whole, yes. However, due to their length of 3m, the probes must be handle with care so that they do not bend.

Are you satisfied with the software?
The software is user-friendly and easy to use. After a short training, i became comfortable to use it's full potential.
How has your experience been with our service or your contact person so far?
The service is excellent and is distinguished by good accessibility. The support is prompt and solution-oriented.

How does the system facilitate your work?
Using the system puts an end to guesswork and estimation. You now know the exact temperature curve within the stored goods at any time and can therefore intervene in a more targeted manner and adjust your ventilation strategy precisely. This makes it possible to optimise the use of energy and to preserve qualities in the best possible way.
Agrar GmbH & Co KG Wittow Süd
Arne Schwuchow
Lanckensburg 9
18556 Altenkirchen

Quelle: Agrar GmbH & Co. KG Wittow Süd

Quelle: Agrar GmbH & Co. KG Wittow Süd
Jan Werle
Sales Manager