SIVAM distributes HAYTECH in Italy

Quanturi is pleased to announce a new collaboration with SIVAM as strong distribution partner for the HAYTECH system in Italy.
SIVAM has a long tradition as a provider for animal feed and supplements. The company was established in 1932 in Casalpusterlengo and it has more than 10,000 customers in Italy served by its extensive network of agents and 75 employees.
SIVAM currently offers its customers a wide range of products and technological services to help farmers and breeders to make their business more efficient and sustainable. In particular, their focus lies on 3 key businesses: Monitoring - Zootechnics - Agriculture.
In this sense, HAYTECH fits perfectly into the SIVAM portfolio, expanding their solutions for monitoring and animal husbandry. Franco Gerevini from SIVAM: "We decided to market Quanturi's HAYTECH system because we believe in innovative solutions that can actually improve and make the work of farmers and livestock breeders more efficient".
The HAYTECH system, with its continuous temperature measurements and customisable SMS alarms, makes it possible to systematically and reliably control forage quality and increase farm safety by helping to prevent abnormal fermentation and spontaneous combustion of forage.
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Jan Werle